The Beewell Blog…

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Mindset-Habits, Self Care-Self Love Sami Scarborough Mindset-Habits, Self Care-Self Love Sami Scarborough

A Healthier You? Where to Begin on Your Wellness Journey

Starting a health and wellness journey can be daunting. Often, we know we need to make changes, but soon find it overwhelming and get stuck trying to make ALL the changes at once. A quick browse of social media wellness pages can leave you feeling bombarded with infinite possibilities, there’s products like shakes, vitamins, packaged meals, new exercise programs, and enough nutritional information to make your head spin. All of this can leave us on information overload and confused about where to start and what will work best.


When I started my wellness journey, I had just reached 50. I had lived a rather healthy,,,

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Nutrition-Diet, Healthy Life Hacks Sami Scarborough Nutrition-Diet, Healthy Life Hacks Sami Scarborough

The Quickest Way to Look, Feel, and Move Better!

I woke up this morning feeling and looking quite horrible. Despite getting over 7 and a half hours of sleep, I almost fell asleep in yoga class. My balance was off, my head felt achy, my stomach was a mess, my skin was puffy and blotched, and my plans to sit and write had to be put off for hours because my brain was foggy, and I couldn’t focus. Was it a cold? Was I just exhausted? Nope-I knew precisely what was wrong: Sugar hangover. I normally eat a sugar free diet and am not a big fan of sweets (my go to treat is buttered popcorn!) but on occasion, will indulge in a sweet treat. This past stormy weekend…

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Self Care-Self Love Sami Scarborough Self Care-Self Love Sami Scarborough

Need a Mood Boost?

I started this blog post idea last week, as a “lighter side” kind of approach to our health, while I was busy working on “bigger, more involved” projects and aspects of my business and life. But then-I hit a wall. I’ve spent much of pandemic avoiding straight on news-which means I don’t watch it on TV, but seek out the happenings of the world through newsfeeds when I feel the need to be a bit tuned in to what is going on outside of my little seaside “bubble”. My normally positive social media seemed…

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